
MB STUDIO is a domestic architecture, design, and planning firm that serves our clients as trusted advisors, combining localized expertise with global perspective wherever new opportunities arise. We have a small team of professionals in our Dallas office, and our Texas presence is rapidly growing.

MB STUDIO believes that each project is unique – responding to its own special circumstances of program and place. Our inclusive process is designed to exceed the requirements and expectations of the client and enhance the lives of the users and occupants. We always welcome a collaborative effort and look forward to the opportunity to provide an innovative and unique response for this project.
Our innovative use of technology creates architecture with a different spirit. We consistently work to deliver design grounded in place and time while aspiring to the broadest goals of the individuals and groups its serves.
We aspire to make architecture which connects us with nature, rather than separating us from it. We make an architecture which is enriched by an awareness of location and landscape, the movement of the sun, and the changes in weather. We design buildings which foster a sense of tradition and culture cultural progress. Building and material technology research is central to our approach. We believe that people’s experience of place and building quality are influenced by well integrated technologies.
We seek a natural economy of elements through order grounded in nature and predicated on conservation. We shape the character of our architecture through passive solar and ventilation strategies; incorporating ancient and modern principles of air movement. We consciously aim for simplicity - in planning, our use of light and air, building organization and circulation - because it is our experience that simplicity leads to economy, efficiency, and improved performance.

Our methodology is collaborative, and integrated. We involve our client, our multi-disciplinary team and the contractor. The process begins with a thorough understanding of our clients’ requirements and goals for the project. We listen carefully. We then create multiple concepts to satisfy these needs, incorporating input from all team members. With you, our client, we select the best concept and begin the process of developing it into a fully realized scheme. We believe this is the best path to creating facilities that exceed our client’s expectations.
In this process it becomes the architect’s responsibility to continually challenge the client and the design team to achieve both appropriateness and invention. We aim to integrate the art of architecture with technology and environmental imperative, through the fusion of architecture, engineering, and contemporary methodologies and materials. The collaborative process emphasizes interdisciplinary teamwork, rather than personal expression, and user needs rather than formal conventions. It embraces unity and order through the creative interaction of many previously semi-independent disciplines. It fosters simplicity and integration that result in an inherent economy, not only of money, but of gesture.
As architects, we design the building by designing the process. Our clients join with design, construction, manufacturing, and research specialists to define and discover appropriate architectural solutions. Our goal is to make architecture in which one can experience surprise, intellectual stimulation, a profound sense of physical well-being, and an affirmation of the spiritual unity between man and nature.
MB STUDIO embraces the standards of our clients. We read them and we understand them. We are aware that standards ensure a level of quality and performance that is critical to the success of your mission. Our objective is to not only be aware of your design standards but to understand them at a deeper level so that we can contribute to the on-going process of building better buildings and better campuses.
We’ve been involved in the planning, design, and construction of notable projects throughout the State and nationally. We are proud to call Texas home, and we are devoted to providing architectural and interior architectural design services that will help shape a bright future for our cities and beyond.

Since 2018 we’ve been committed to the North Texas community, and building our local practice with our knowledge from around the globe. During this time, we’ve helped companies use design to strengthen and enhance their business goals.
We have created brands and identities, designed workplaces, and converted outdated spaces into vibrant facilities, all while finding new ways to enhance the way people work, live, and play.
We have provided a full range of design, planning, and consultancy services for clients and projects as large as a city and as small as a task light for an individual’s desk.